

When you're Just not Willing to Fight with a Friend

Norway’s ‘Doomsday Vault’ holds a priceless treasure

Cat recognises his owner in a Video Chat

As a man and a husband I completely relate to this.

Incredible 301 yard bow and arrow shot.

It takes a lot of ... to come to a professional bowling match and root for the pins...

What is love?

Invisible Bikes

When someone asks you to do them a favor but then complains about how you do it

An Ode to Phone

Imagine Driving Down the Road and Seeing This

Downforce is Only Slightly Important

Good Old Buzz

Crazy Headband

Lie Witness News

Cooking Bacon On Gun Silencer

Playing Card Shuffling Art Will Blow Your Mind

What Happens When You Drop A Burning Hot Metal Ball On Gak

How To Build An Igloo By Yourself